
CyberInnovation Briefing - WTP speaker

Date: May 7, 2013 - 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Cyber Incubator, bwtech@UMBC, 5520 Research Park Drive, Suite 110, Baltimore MD 21228

The fourth CYBERInnovation Briefing hosted by the Cyber Incubator and Cync Program at bwtech@UMBC is on the topic of the President's Cybersecurity Executive Order directing the Government to share threat information with private industry – “Are They Ready and Able? Does Industry See the Value?"

The panel, to be moderated by Keith Moulsdale of WTP, will include Donna Dodson, Deputy Cyber Security Advisor at NIST, Ed Hammerslea, COO, Raytheon Trusted Computer Solutions, and Ron Ritchey, Chief Scientist Information Security, Bank of America.