Nonprofit Corporate Services

Our business and corporate practice covers all aspects of our clients' day-to-day lives. While we have the expertise to handle specialized transactions and events, our business lawyers' first and foremost focus is on serving as the equivalent of a client's "primary care" lawyer.  As primary care lawyers, we can offer "check-ups" to make sure a client is in compliance with corporate law requirements and formalities -- our reviews of corporate minute books and records can serve as either a regular maintenance item, or as preparation for a more significant "procedure," such as a public offering or acquisition. We also offer "preventive medicine," such as training and advising corporate officers and directors on their duties and responsibilities. And, should a "specialist" be required, corporate lawyers serve as gatekeepers, seeing to it that a client gets the specialized advice it requires and maintaining oversight over the process.

Client Alert: Corporate Diligence - Things to Consider During Troubling Times

In an era of increasing litigation, keeping accurate, detailed corporate minutes is critical.  In addition to their standard function of recording and reflecting decisions made by company management and directors and the deliberation of those decisions, corporate minutes can help establish that company directors have met their fiduciary obligations and have executed a sound decision-making process.  Conversely, poor minute keeping can result in protracted litigation to determine the care that went into a board's decision to act.  It is vital for a company to keep an accurate, precise and complete record of director decision-making and oversight.  Furthermore, the failure to maintain such corporate formalities could result in a piercing of the corporate veil action and allow claimants to reach the assets of a company's shareholders. Our Corporate attorneys can assist you in updating your company's books and records.